Monday, February 5, 2018

Bathing an Angora.....Not Fun!

     So today, I had to give my English Angora a bath. I have never had to give him one because he keeps himself clean, and I had read horror stories on the internet about rabbits being scared to literal death. I knew my big, bad male would not be scared to death, because he is tough. The reason I had to give him a bath is because my other male rabbit threw pee in his face and it was sticky! Yes, you heard me right, male rabbits sling pee at each other. I didn't have them together, because I know better than that, but I had the pee slinger's cage slightly above, and to the right, of my other one's cage. Needless to say, his face was a sticky, uriny mess!
     I figured if I could bath a cat, then surely bathing a bunny wouldn't be so bad. Wrong. I took the advice from and just put about 2-3 inches of water in the tub. It is hard to get the fur wet, and when I did, it felt like one big hair cluster. I was praying, please don't turn into one huge mat! The fur seemed to clump together, and I was thinking I was going to have to cut it all off. Luckily, after I start blow drying it, I realize it's not a mat...Shewww....praise GOD! But it looks crimped. Yeah, remember the crimp look from the 80s-90s. Yep. But the more I brushed, the more the crimp look came out. It took forever to dry the fur. I had to do a little, then take a break, do a little, take a break....
     My advice for bathing an English Angora rabbit is don't do it unless you absolutely have if they got urine on their face....LoL


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