Saturday, February 10, 2018

Building Cheap Rabbit Toys

It's been raining for days, and my rabbits can't go in their outdoor pens when it rains. So, I decided to make them a play area on my porch. I got some cardboard boxes that I plan on painting and cutting holes in for them to run in and out of. Here is what I'm starting with, and I'll post some after pictures when I'm done.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Bathing an Angora.....Not Fun!

     So today, I had to give my English Angora a bath. I have never had to give him one because he keeps himself clean, and I had read horror stories on the internet about rabbits being scared to literal death. I knew my big, bad male would not be scared to death, because he is tough. The reason I had to give him a bath is because my other male rabbit threw pee in his face and it was sticky! Yes, you heard me right, male rabbits sling pee at each other. I didn't have them together, because I know better than that, but I had the pee slinger's cage slightly above, and to the right, of my other one's cage. Needless to say, his face was a sticky, uriny mess!
     I figured if I could bath a cat, then surely bathing a bunny wouldn't be so bad. Wrong. I took the advice from and just put about 2-3 inches of water in the tub. It is hard to get the fur wet, and when I did, it felt like one big hair cluster. I was praying, please don't turn into one huge mat! The fur seemed to clump together, and I was thinking I was going to have to cut it all off. Luckily, after I start blow drying it, I realize it's not a mat...Shewww....praise GOD! But it looks crimped. Yeah, remember the crimp look from the 80s-90s. Yep. But the more I brushed, the more the crimp look came out. It took forever to dry the fur. I had to do a little, then take a break, do a little, take a break....
     My advice for bathing an English Angora rabbit is don't do it unless you absolutely have if they got urine on their face....LoL


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