Hunny Bunny
In this picture, Hunny Bunny is around 6-7 months old, and he had a haircut about a month ago. You can tell in this picture that he has French Angora in him because of the ears. The fur around the face and head is the English Angora in him. He has the best personality! He was partially litter box trained when I got him. He is now completely trained. I'll discuss how to litter box train in another article. He loves being petted and is not bashful at all.
My rabbits stay indoors and outdoors. If you choose to have indoors, you will need a litter box. Rabbits basically poop with every jump....LoL You can get a fancy box with Timothy hay feeders or just a basic cat litter box filled with hay.
Do NOT use kitty litter, with one exception, you can use Purina Yesterday's News kitty litter which is just recycled newspaper. I tried this, and I liked it, but it's cheaper for me to just buy a bale of hay.
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